Mercurius corrosivus
All the preparations of mercury act on the intestines,
producing bloody stools with tenesmus, and, of course, all may
be indicated in dysentery. Mercurius corrosivus is the one
usually thought of in this affection, as its symptoms
corresponds to many severe cases. In the first place we have
severe and extreme tenesmus; this is the great characteristic
of the remedy; it is something more than the never-get-done
feeling of Mercurius solubilis, it is an intense, painful
tenesmus,and at the same time there is much tenesmus of the
bladder,the stools are scanty, of mucous shreds and blood and
there is great burning at the anus.
Mercurius solubilis corresponds more to sporadic cases, and is seldom indicated in malignant types, and in mild cases Mercurius dulcis is
an excellent remedy where tenesmus and pain are slight.
Capsicum has frequent small stools attended with tenesmus and
burning in the rectum, but to have Capsicum well indicated the
symptoms of shivering when the patient drinks should be present.
Arsenicum is a valuable remedy in dysentery. There are
scanty stools, burning in the rectum, thirst, and after the
stool there is great prostration, but there is not the
tympanitic distention of the abdomen found under Lycopodium
and Carbo vegetabilis; though the patient is restless and
thirsty, water is borne badly. Stools which are undigested ,
slimy and bloody, indicate Arsenicum. Blackish brown,
horribly offensive stools also indicate well the remedy. The
tenesmus and burning of the anus and rectum continue after
stool. If Arsenicum be well indicated its characteristic
thirst and restlessness must be present.
This remedy, which produces such an intense vesical tenesmus,
also produces a like condition in the rectum. Its
characteristics are bloody and slimy discharges which look like
the scrapings of the intestines, which are nothing but the
fibrous exudations from the disease. Tenesmus is marked, and
always with Cantharis there is a painful urination, and
there is present a colic-like pain doubling the patient
up, being here similar to Colocynth, which has a number of
the same symptoms. Thus both have the above symptom of being
doubled up by pain, both have slimy and bloody stools, worse
from eating or drinking; but under Colocynth the pains cease
after stool and the patient is relieved by bending double.
Cantharis has more inflammation, Colocynth more nervous
symptoms. Colchicum is also similar, the tenesmus and
constriction of anus following stool is more tormenting than
the urging during stool; tympany also strongly indicates
Colchicum. Kali bichromicum follows Cantharis when the
scrapings become jelly-like. The thirst with Cantharis is
In the first stages of dysentery Aconite has proved a useful
remedy, and it comes in especially well when the days are
warm and the nights are cold. ,The stools are frequent and
scanty with tenesmus, the skin is hot and dry and general
Aconite symptoms are present. Ferrum phosphoricum comes in
cases less acute than Aconite; there is more blood with the
stool, but tenesmus contra-indicates the remedy. Mercurius
follows both well. Belladonna is especially suitable to the
dysentery of children and plethoric young persons. Cowperthwaite
recommends the 3X.
For persistent or chronic cases of dysentery Sulphur is the
remedy; the tenesmus continues, in fact there is a sort of
tenesums all the time, the stools are slimy and there is
frequent sudden urging to stool. Sometimes this condition is
present without the tenesums. In Nux the tenesums ceases after
stool and the pains are relieved for a short time; it is
similar to Sulphur in its frequent urging, the stools are
bloody, slimy, scanty and watery,and the patient is worse in
the morning. Tearing pains down the thighs as an accompaniment
of dysentery would indicate Rhus toxicodendron. Great
offensiveness of stools and constriction of the anus would
suggest Lachesis. Baptisia is useful where there is tenesums
but no pain which indicates vital depression, offensive
discharges are also present. It is especially useful in
dysentery of old people with fevers. Aloes is also a useful
remedy in dysentery. The stools are of a jelly-like mucus,
and covered with blood and accompanied by griping in the
epigastric region, the amount of mucus expelled is large, and,
like Sulphur,it is useful in chronic cases. It is also a
splendid remedy in purely inflammatory dysentery and follows
Aconite well. Ipecac may be useful in cases where large
quantities of mucus are expelled. In haemorrhoidal dysentery,
which is really a phlebitis of the haemorrhoidal veins,
Aloes and Hamamelis are the remedies.