ABIES CANADENSIS (abies-c.) (Phatak)
(Hemlock Spruce)
– It affects the Mucous Membranes and Nerves.
– In stomach, it causes a catarrhal condition, which increases the patient’s hunger and craving for coarse food, such as pickles, radishes, turnips etc.
– Patient wants to lie down, all the time, on account of nervous weakness and feels faint.
– In women, it causes uterine displacement, due to defective nutrition and debility.
– Peculiar sensations are – right lung and liver, feel hard and small; uterus feels soft.
– Lies with the legs drawn up.
– Feels, as if it is light or there is swimming in the head.
– Ravenous appetite.
– Tendency to eat, far beyond the capacity of digestion.
– Distention of abdomen and stomach, with palpitation.
– Sore feeling at the uterus amel. pressure.
– Uterus soft and feeble as if.
– Cold shivering, as if blood were ice-water.(Acon)
– Clammy and sticky.